Monday, July 21, 2008

Before I Called, He answered

"I Found Joy in a BIG God" Part Seventeen

The tears that punctuated each good-bye had at least momentarily stopped flowing and I was sitting in the 'She Speaks' reception area of the hotel. My plane wasn't leaving until close to 6:00pm and it was just noon time now. Not in any rush to embark on my journey home, I was content to wait and let others with earlier flights board the shuttles that would provide needed transportation to the airport.

Cheri, my friend from 2005, walked over and took a seat beside me. She too had some time to spare before returning her rental car for 3:00pm. She suggested we have lunch together and I jumped at the idea of spending some precious time with her. As we gathered our belongings I saw Melissa and hurried over to say goodbye. She was the last of my 'hope-to-see' friends before I left. I shared with her that Cheri and I were going for lunch and that Cheri had also just offered me a ride to the airport.

Upon hearing this Melissa grabbed my arm and said, "Joy, that's such a God-thing". Not fully understanding, Melissa went on to explain. Without going into detail she expressed that there was some difficulty with the shuttle service and encouraged me again that God was really aware of my every need by providing me with this alternate, definite transportation. Before I even knew of my need, God had provided His answer. Giving Melissa a final hug, Cheri and I then headed to the parking lot.

Cheri knew of a "Chili's" restaurant nearby and within minutes we were seated and enjoying her recommendation of a delicious salad bar and chicken-pot-pie. As tasty as this meal was, it was the company that was satisfying my hunger. Cheri began sharing with me all the ways God had been leading in her life over the past few years. Ministry opportunities. God's guidance. Family activities. Future hopes and plans. My heart just soared to be given this extra blessing of time with this treasured friend. In this short visit God was knitting our friendship together word by word. Cheri's passion for the Lord is so deep and genuine; I just know the Lord has wonderful plans in store for her. Her joy of the Lord increased my passion to serve and honour Him.

All too quickly it was time to head for the airport. After returning the rental car, we boarded a complimentary shuttle bus that drove us to our respective terminals. I was our driver's first stop, so with a quick hug and promise to stay in touch, I grabbed my belongings and embarked on another 'first'. Taking a deep breath I walked through sliding glass doors, facing the unknown.


Unknown said...

"Taking a deep breath I walked through sliding glass doors, facing the unknown."

You like leaving us hanging, don't you? hehehehe I'll be back tomorrow to get my daily dose of Joy!

God's provision is just some kind of good, isn't it? Have you ever wondered how many of His "provisions" that we never know about? I'm sure it would be more than we could count...

Prayers and blessings,

Joyful said...

Rebecca, I often think of that! My mind travels back to an old Amy Grant song that says, "Near misses all around us, accidents unknown, though we never see with human hands the Hands that lead us home."

God is good...ALL the time! Thanking Him for blessings known and unknown.

Paula V said...

You are the best cliff hanger. Smiles.

What a blessing in disguise in so many ways for you.

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

You're building up to something...I can tell. I would have taken you to lunch! Hope your Monday is going well.


Runner Mom said...

I am loving this story, my sweet friend! I do agree with Rebecca that you like to leave us hanging! I see a fictional Christian book in the future for you! You already have us holding onto the edge of our seats:).

Amy Grant's songs were some of the first contemporary Christian songs I ever listened to! Loved her!!!

Thanks for your post on my blog! I can't wait to see what HE's going to do--for you as well,chickadee!!

Love ya,

Amy L Brooke said...

Very cool. There are so many stories from She Speaks, aren't there?

I wish it was tomorrow again!

Marilyn in Mississippi said...

I love how you are letting us in on so many of your "God-moments" at She Speaks! I know that He is honored that you noticed all the things He was doing for you during that weekend! I wonder how many of us are too busy or too engrossed in something else to notice the special care God has taken to bring things into our lives for a purpose OR to keep harmful things out!
Thanks Joy for helping us see things through your eyes!

God bless you!
Marilyn in Mississippi

Pamela (His maidservant) said...

I am still living in this "God thing"...what a glorious conference!! I ma seeing and hearing Him like never before!!

In His Graces~Pamela