Friday, February 15, 2008


100 Reasons Why I Love My Husband...

(I was inspired to do this after reading a post by Ashley. I need to take time to focus on all the great things about my husband. I actually had this list compiled very quickly and more ideas kept coming.)

1. His generosity
2. His loving hands
3. The way he barbecues my steak just perfectly
4. Taking our son downhill skiing
5. Surprising me with a trip to Florida
6. Taking school holidays off work so he can do things with his family
7. Sending me flowers to work
8. He makes the most delicious waffles
9. He's such an amazing water-skiier
10. Golfing together as a family
11. Encouraging me as I learn to play the violin
12. Supporting our son in his passion for music
13. Always sitting beside me in church
14. Shovelling my parents driveway
15. Bringing home "chick flicks" every now and again
16. Taking me to "Tim's" for coffee
17. Buying the most romantic cards
18. Taking out the garbage faithfully
19. Never telling me I over-spend
20. Eating my cooking
21. His quick sense of humour
22. Fixing our central-vac
23. Always having time for sports with our son - even right after work when he's tired
24. Not going too fast when we're out biking
25. Treating our teenage son like a man, not a child
26. Suggesting we go out for breakfast - then waiting patiently while I get ready
27. He's the most talented craftsman
28. His integrity
29. The way his co-workers respect him
30. Listening to him pray
31. Seeing him sitting reading his Bible
32. His gorgeous eyes
33. The strength in his arms
34. His love for reading
35. His passion for God
36. His faithfulness in attending men's events at the church
37. Taking me to "Williams" on a date night
38. Helping our son with his math and science - he's a genius
39. Going as a chaperone on school camping trips
40. Taking our son on father/son overnight adventures
41. His patience with me
42. Sitting on the beach together
43. Thinking of me and bringing home a chocolate surprise
44. Suggesting we go out for dinner
45. Sauteeing vegetables for supper
46. Sharing domestic duties - like loading and emptying the dishwasher
47. Sitting and reading together
48. All the lawn and garden work he does
49. Washing my car
50. Watching him play sports - he's so athletic
51. Accepting the fact he has to go to a restaurant to get liver and onions - YUCK
52. Taking me to the movies
53. Being such a wonderful financial provider for our family
54. Encouraging me to go back to work after 15 years of being a stay-at-home Mom
55. Picking up the slack around the house because I did (see #54)
56. Quickly responding to the needs at my parents home
57. Loving my family
58. Making church on Sunday a priority
59. When he reaches for my hand
60. Giving up his dream home and moving so our son could attend a better school
61. Watching him walk to the front of the church in a response to God's call
62. His financial generosity when he sees a need
63. Having a cup of tea ready for me when I get home from work at 9:30pm
64. He's an amazing artist
65. His fun in playing games together as a family on rainy days at the trailer
66. Bringing home the "Clipper Clup" golf trophy - He makes me proud of him
67. Feeling our shoulders touch while sitting in church
68. When he suggests we go shopping
69. The fun he has on "Kijiji" browsing for sale items
70. His thoughtfulness in writing a birthday and Christmas wishlist to help my family with gift ideas in their budget range
71. Encouraging me to have time with girlfriends
72. Patiently listening to me tell the same story...AGAIN
73. Enjoying my enthusiasm for Women's Ministry
74. Vacumming because he knows I'm feeling overwhelmed
75. Preparing Christmas dinner for our family gathering each year
76. Being home every night for dinner
77. Calling me every night if he's away on a business trip
78. Not complaining about our often messy laundry room
79. Understanding my need to spend quiet time writing
80. His laughter
81. When he laughs at his own jokes
82. His ability with tools
83. Being my calm as we host Christmas dinner every year
84. He's not afraid to change diapers
85. Taking time off work to attend school assemblies
86. Eating frozen, store-bought pizza without complaining when I forget about dinner
87. Tolerating the "Princess" and "Dance" themes around our home
88. Listening....and listening some more
89. The effort he takes to go out of town to shop for me so that he will not run into anyone he knows and my gift will be a complete surprise
90. Driving days to Florida because he knows I'm nervous flying
91. Calling his Dad constantly and keeping in touch with his family
92. Teaching me to eat slower
93. Patiently and lovingly is a one-man clean-up crew when our son is sick
94. He can repair ANYTHING
95. He is the most wonderful father
96. He makes me feel safe
97. He is so intelligent
98. Self-sacrificing - giving up his favourite radio station and listening to some of my favourite speaker CD's when we're driving for hours in the car
99. His dedication to keeping fit physically
100 Committing to love me for life.

I love you, honey.

1 comment:

swilek said...

So sweet- inspiring!!