Friday, January 22, 2010

Wendy's Video Summary - Friday, January 22, 2010

(For those of you not participating in the Chronological Bible reading with Wendy Pope, please visit my other blog, “Pondering In His Presence”. Thank you.)

Today is Friday. We’ve made it through three full weeks of teaching. Wendy is completely blessed by the participation and comments. Wendy appreciates the e-mails that need clarification as well. Wendy does not claim to be an expect, nor is she flawless, and is with us as a student of the Word. Wendy never wants to misrepresent the Word of God. At the close of today’s blog post she addressed one concern about the mediator discussed yesterday. She encourages us to share our thoughts with her.

Today, Wendy got a little bored with the reading. It was hard for her to find her nugget of truth. She read it twice asking the Lord to show her something. Under the heading, “Job Asks How He Has Sinned”, Wendy read Job 13:20-21.

“O God, grant me these two things, and then I will be able to face you. Remove your heavy hand from me, and don’t terrify me with your awesome presence.” Now, if you’re not completely familiar with confession and repentance as a natural way of life, which it isn’t natural for Wendy, coming into the presence of the Lord when you’re going to come face-to-face with that confession, that is a terrifying moment. Wendy loves the presence of the Lord. It feels good and lifts her spirit. Many times she weeps in His presence, for His Sovereignty, grace and goodness. Job is referring to that dread or terror. That’s a terrible place to be when you’re faced with sin before a Holy God. He is feeling the heavy hand of the Lord in some way. Wendy could walk in Job’s shoes as she read his words.

Wendy has been trying to take better care of herself and in doing so she has given up “Dr. Pepper”. Last year just before the 'She Speaks' conference, the girls as a staff decided to fast something. They individually gave up, or sacrificed something. It’s mentioned in the Bible many times as a food fast, but we give up something that means something to us in order to draw closer to God. The Lord put on her heart to give up “Dr. Pepper”. She has been drinking “Dr. Pepper” for many years and enjoys them. This was a challenge and sacrifice to give up something she had depended on every single day. The Lord asked her to give it up. She wilfully and blatantly did not. She tried to modify God’s Words to her and instead of getting a medium “Dr. Pepper” at “Chic-Fil-A” she would get a small size drink. In her mind she was justifying that she was giving it up, but she was not completely sacrificing it. Wendy began, after a period of time, to feel a heaviness upon her. During this time of disobedience the Lord did not completely shut-off from her, for which she is grateful, but there was something between herself and God, but she wasn’t able to confess it to God or to anyone else. Towards the end of December she did confess and repent of what she had done. It’s not about a drink or a show or not reading certain things, it’s not about the thing or object, but about obedience or disobedience to the Lord. Wendy was walking in a path of disobedience until the heaviness of God’s Spirit came upon her.

Wendy went to Psalm 32 today. Verse 3-4 says, “When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night Your heavy hand was upon me...” This is the same thing he was talking about in Job. When we confess and allow God to remove the heavy hand of conviction upon us, we are set free. When Wendy turned the calendar over January 1st, she can’t even explain the hallelujah’s she was singing. The difference in her spirit and in her whole person.

She is encouraging us today that if there is something we need to confess to Jesus Christ, it’s not too late. He is faithful and just to forgive us. Allow Him to remove His heavy hand from us today and bless us through our confession.

(All thoughts transcribed from Wendy's blog to aid those whose computers are not capatible to view these videos.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I went to bed early last night so didn't get to read your transcription until this morning. I hope your 'puter problems are solved. How is your dad? Someone said this last week that he was having the same surgery that he had last year that caused him so many problems.

Have you posted on Wendy's blog that you need someone else to transcribe the video for you? Just follow the Lord's leading.

Jan TN